Saturday, January 4, 2020


You can use grandMA2 onPC for running, programming or offline preprogramming, as well as a smart backup solution within the grandMA2 system. MA onPC fader wing Art. And the extra cost in having two more copies of OnPC to work with for the extra programmers? The GrandMA2 system is also very stable. Parameter Unlock by Rex. If your main console should fail, grandMA2 onPC will take over seamlessly and you can still run your show with the same parameter count. Carmen — Bregenz Festival Theatre Austria. grandma 2 onpc

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Hog connectivity driver covered grandja the first half grandja our Capture Live: Referencing Exec Time Master on command line by axcrowe. If your main console should fail, grandMA2 onPC will take over seamlessly and you can still run your show with the same parameter count.

For more information and reproduction guidelines please contact us at or info churchproduction. About Us Subscribe Editorial Advertise.

This is possible for historical reasons as they were provided with other drivers than us prior to an MA Lighting policy change.

MA onPC command wing

Avolites Titan Special webcast. Questions that come up during the learning curve about overall concepts and workflow can be directed to A. On this page we have gathered any information specific for a particular console manufacturer brand or console model. I would enjoy getting more fully familiar with the GrandMA2 and would like to use it in a granma sometime.

Matrix in 3D by Pointe Lighting's very responsive technical support team A.

Need help making fixtures and the bitmap by SoundShopSchylge. Madmapper by PolyChrome Dlux.

grandma 2 onpc

The lighting designer for the event can then tell her team of three programmers the look she wants, and the three programmers can work independently on setting geandma up, and do so much quicker than if one programmer had to do it all. Use the Broadcast or Unicast modes and manually configure the number of universes you need in Capture.

grandma 2 onpc

CMY - Calculator vs. However, that flexibility comes with a price: The GrandMA2 system's first claim to fame is yrandma it's designed to be completely customized by the user.

grandMA2 onPC | MA Lighting International GmbH

Encoder Wheel by fedema. Five of the screen areas have a set of 10 soft buttons view buttons down the right side, into which you can store views. Store options by qualmos. Smart view by jfguedes. In talking to people who love the GrandMA range of products, they've commented that it usually takes two to three months of regular use to get to where they feel they really understand it.

Avolites Titan Covered in our Capture Live: The grandja list can be found in the reference manual.

Downloads | MA Lighting International GmbH

You can use grandMA2 onPC for running, programming or offline preprogramming, as well as a smart backup solution within the grandMA2 system. The hardware is well built, and doesn't have a large footprint. Template design by Thomas, Smilen and Jan.

grandma 2 onpc

Multiple active effects with the same paramater by sefma. You could have three copies of OnPC connected to the session, and have one operator responsible for the conventional lights, another for the stage-based movers, and another for the truss-based movers. MA2 onPC 1K 2port node grey screen by trevor.

Copyright c Production Media, Inc. Ma net question by greggr1. And the documentation is not extremely helpful—it's written more as a reference for people who already know the concepts and just need a reminder. LTP blocked by fedema.

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