Saturday, January 4, 2020


Why on earth i cant win away like at home? More urgent pressing intensity will tell your team to close down more. The angle between the central midfielders and the inside forwards ensures not only that the opposite team has to combat the strong presence and overload of players in the center, but also have to take into account the ideal angles of penetrating passes from deep. You do not have any influence over the build-up stage either but are limited to the player roles and duties and their positioning, for example when the goalkeeper has the ball and the effect team shape and mentality has on player positions. No matter how you look at it, the basic idea of controlling the match exists between the two philosophies. fm 2012 tiki taka tactic

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One of the ways Barcelona successfully regains possession quickly is with the help of their higher defensive line which minimize the playing pitch. Last but not least, PPM is important, shouts and match analyzing is as important as the tactic.

Barcelona Tiki-Taka Domination Extreme by Passion4FM | FM Scout

If 212 play becomes too congested in the middle, the playmakers can easily switch the ball to the other flank giving the wingbacks the chance to move the play higher up — running towards the byline or come clear on goal. The main purpose of instructing my inside forwards to sit narrower is to exploit the decision-making dilemma for the opposite markers DC, DRL dragging them closer to the center providing more space on the flanks for the attacking wingbacks to manoeuvre in — providing better circumstances for tadtic to occur — forcing the opposing team to also take into account the threats from wide.

When it comes to Barcelona under Josep Guardiola one of their strengths was their compact shape and unison, something that can be referred to as a fluid team tacfic.

fm 2012 tiki taka tactic

The end result of utilizing a high defensive line, team shape and positional system coupled with passing style lets you see a heat map like this:. Since the central defenders stays higher up the field it leaves a lot of space behind to be countered in, but it makes it harder for the opposition team to play their way out of defense as the first line of defense starts with the three forwards.

It dictates the level of creativity, opportunism, and aggression or how much the player will focus on defensive duties compared to attacking duties — or put simple, how they will behave in different phases of the game — how much risks they will take.

It can be the movements required to create free men between the lines when facing a double pivot or overloading a specific zone where your opponent is weak for example when facing wingerless formations or which is statistically better for the outcome of the match attack through zone Thanks to everyone who have tested my tactics before the official release, come to me with questions about how I approach things, clarified and improved my tacric using their knowledge by giving me inputs and recommendations on how to make something specific work in Football Manager.

Utilizing the width will be one of the tacic aspects to succeed with a possession tactic in Football Manager.

Goals Machine | FM 2012 Tactic

I like to force them to make mistakes by exploiting their weaknesses — either its a poor left foot, poor first touch or a low composure and vision and passing abilities. If you do so, please remember to tick passing length to Shorter Passes.

This is not only influenced by the pitch dimension but takka in regard to the formation and its compactness. No matter if you decide to setup specific opposition instructions for specific players or use this template for opposition instructions per position, there are some valuable tactix to notice, especially in regard to the show onto foot instructions. The wingback support will not only look to counter the advanced position of the mf winger in attack duty but it will stretch play vertically dragging the opposite player of the MCL to move out of position when the left wingback has the ball.

Ok so on to the tactic, we must say what this tactic is and what it is not. From what you have discovered or noticed from the tactical analysis I like to use a formation as a foundation for the Barcelona tactics.

Here you will notice the relationship between the high pressing, high defensive line and my aim to decrease the opponents passing accuracy when building out from the back — forcing them to utilize longer and more direct passes.

This is allowed as the right inside forward will sit narrower running diagonally into the center as the false nine drops deep. While there are similarities, Tiki Taka in some ways is not that extreme, for example in position switching and in the level of fluidity, but it is certainly as highly tactical intelligent as Rinus Michels total voetball and could be labeled the modern art of football.

Opposition instructions are a great way to deal with specific players, their abilities and traits. Top Free Agents on FM Maybe we can play sometime.

fm 2012 tiki taka tactic

As I see it, an inaccurate pass between the midfielders would be devastating as there is only one line behind them — giving the opposition team perfect condition to counter on you. Goals are made after combination play often moving the ball wide before moving it inside.

When utilizing positional play, possession will not be the sole purpose or the main aim, but because of better player positioning in all phases of the game, a higher possession ratio will come naturally. Played the entirety of pre-season and 10 matches into the tavtic and hardly ever scored, scoring chances was only ever about 1 half-chance and leaked goals like nobodies buisness at tacticc back.

As years have gone by, I have refrained from using close down on every player, as player instructions and team instructions will help me a long step on the way to regain possession in the areas Cm favor. This quote tells us a bit about the importance of player positioning and creating depth on the field in order to reduce the amount of running each players must do per match, but also about how Josep Guardiola wants to regain possession — starting with pressure from the striker high up the field rather than waiting for tachic opposing team to get to the halfway line before setting pressure on the player with the ball.

In a historical concept, the tiki taka was founded at a time where physical football — tsctic players strength, the ability to man-mark their opponent and abilities to run and dribble with the ball was favored.

Match Stats vs Tactid Win Home. It can be used to limit a players time on the ball, the space around him or make him move into a specific area of the pitch, or finally force passes to be made to specific players. Since the Tiki-Taka playing style has become world famous, partially because of the success of Spain and FC Barcelona. More focus was set on utilizing short passes when in possession and especially in the build-up phase. It also gives more passing alternatives for the left inside forward by creating a better triangle.

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