Saturday, January 4, 2020


Needless to say you were right about the browser issue. I installed the plugin for my home server console software I also installed the desktop software application Do I need both or just one or the other. I just tested this with several values from the root account after changing timezones in DSM and it worked perfectly. Hi, I updated to the new version with the Web UI. However, when trying to access the serviio shortcut from the drop-down menu to access the UI.. serviio 0.6.1

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Howtos: FreeBSD install, ZFS, FreeNAS Serviio, FreeBSD Kernel

Absolutely the easiest media server software to install, setup and use, and I've tried almost all of them.

It could be thumbnailing your movies which seems to take forever, and is pretty redundant since the online databases provide good thumbnails.

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serviio 0.6.1

Simply speaking, it just works and works well. You are commenting using your Google account.

Serviio Add-in for Windows Home Server V1 and WHS 2011 Updated to Release 0.6.1

Help us keep the list up to date and sdrviio new video software here. So which package i should try ,if its possible? One other thing you might try. I downloaded and installed it with no issues, however Serviio for some reason was only seeing files on the main C drive. Java running stopped and serviio running active.

If you have DSM 3. Unable to set the correct profile.

Then when I try to add online sources I get the error message: Very nice stuff though! It may not contain the latest versions.

I can only find this doing a quick search: Servlio Ease of use: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Thank you for your job.

Serviio Add-In Updated, Now Supports WHS —

Would be nice if someone can help me. If you connect serviip a terminal session as root, and run: How can I remove the serviio database? As soon as I start the Serviio package 0.

serviio 0.6.1

Even when running ffmpeg from commandline with threading option set to 2 even tried 4 as o. If so what did you use — it could help other users, serviik I could perhaps build a package for PPC too.

I think Serviio is an excellant addition to any WHS where people require it and thanks to Paul York for his continued dedication to the developement of such a wonderful program. You can always use the Serviio client from another computer — details on the FAQ page of the Serviio website. Privacy Policy Advertise Contact. I can not wait to the new package.

serviio 0.6.1

servio Great, thanks for the feedback Colin. Can you see the Web UI if you browse to http: So I can improve the file handling of the package and make it more user-friendly, which browser did you originally use? Please repair the Servio x86 spk dropbox link. If that happens wait a couple of minutes, stop and restart Serviio via the Package Center. I disable this in the Serviio console stop and restart Serviio in Package Centre for that to take effect I think.

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