Sunday, January 5, 2020


Several separate windows for CW keyer settings, voice memory, SSB passband settings for both transmit and receive, and filter settings. View the spectrum scope with the waterfall function. I must admit I had a job to get it all working, but looking at a lot of U tube clips, and asking questions and pulling my hair out etc, after 4 days I got it working, its ver 2 I believe I have no experience with ver 1, after setting it up it all works fine, mine is a strange arrangement, I use it on a laptop in the house, the radio is in an outbuilding about meters away, the internet telemetry actually goes through the mains power cables, and I have a laptop at each end I might try a third party remote pc software where one can shut down any audio. One of the benefits of any remote software is the ability to run on your LAN or from outside coming in from the WAN, which is my primary use of it. icom rs-ba1

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RS-BA1 IP Remote Control Software - Features - Icom America

A major learning curve is involved to get it all working and operating correctly. The Layout is from radio to a PC using a USB printer type lead, from the PC mine goes through an ethernet cable to adaptors and through the mains cables to the router in the house, from there its wi-fi iccom my laptop.

To mitigate failure I have done the following: The Software can be a little tricky to setup but once idom get it going, I find it to be pretty stable. All in all very functional software for a reasonable price. There's no way to connect a CW key of any kind.

Icom Software

Yes you can control your Icom, but you will be screaming mad by the time you get it working. When it works it works, but it is prone to failure without the possibility rs-na1 restart.

If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions about Reviews, please email your Reviews Manager. The combo works great together.

icom rs-ba1

I tried a fix for this by altering the registry but it did not work. It provides a high speed, high resolution spectrum scope equivalent to the main unit For a single band on only the IC, and I have RS-BA1 v2 working for theand Connecting to the IC I have a and the software worked but the Ver 2 has some nice features that I like. Interface Tailored to Icom Transceivers This Icom exclusive software gives you most functions and modes from your Icom transceiver in your ham shack.

What could be better: The free RemoteHams software is more effective and it's free. It works over wifi and hot spot to iphone.

New Update: RS-BA1 Version 2 Control Software (Version ) - News - Icom UK

View the spectrum scope with the waterfall function. Email Subscription You are not subscribed to this review.

I have it running off a cheap win10 HP laptop. It isn't as pretty, but it works a lot better!

That being said, with Icom rigs that do not have a built in Network Server you need to set one up with the software Host Side. I have no experience with v2.

rs-ha1 I had originally had the RS-BA1 software a while back Installation is a breeze. It WAS somewhat disappointing that Icom decided not to provide an upgrade path from version 1 to version 2; it seems version 2 is considered "different" software and must be purchased separately.

New Update: RS-BA1 Version 2 Control Software (Version 2.11)

Not even one star. I purchased this software with the Icom It is a "BUY" to me.

icom rs-ba1

New to Ucom Radio? Loud cursing you hear from miles away. The RC remote knob works pretty well. I tried to use Pc remote to re-initialize but found that windows then installs its sound drivers knocking out completely the codec sound drivers.

I might try a third party remote pc software where one can shut down any audio. You will also rs-ga1 to setup the Remote Utility and Remote Client software on the Client side, again pretty straight forward.

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